Covid 19 (Second Wave) – Disaster Relief

Dear Arobanam supporter, well wisher

We hope that you and your family remain safe and well despite the sad and unprecedented challenging times in which we all continue to find ourselves.

The Covid 19 pandemic affecting Sri Lanka & India continues to worsen at an alarming rate.

Immediate assistance is needed:

Our partners have delivered rations to 356 families from 13 villages in Mannar, and 330 families from 4 villages in Jaffna. Subsequently, following our partners’ requests, we have further approved assistance for 350 families in Jaffna and through them initiated preparations for this work.

In addition, having received a further request to assist 226 families in 8 remote villages around Mannar; our total commitment to assist has risen to nearly 1,000 families, at a cost of over SRL 1.6 million (SLR 1,581,200; approximately £5,650). With an immediate requirement to assist a further 276 families at a cost of SLR 425,000 (£1,500); there are expectations of more requests.

Also, on receiving requests, ACF is providing computer equipment for children at “care homes” to follow on-line school lessons.

Click here to Donate.

ACF is currently receiving urgent requests from its project partners in Sri Lanka for emergency relief and funding to mobilise help for vulnerable people in affected areas. They desperately need dry food rations to stave off starvation.

As you may be aware, the Sri Lankan Government had placed a country-wide partial curfew on 12th May 2021 and then added further restrictions with a complete lockdown from 24th May 2021, in an attempt to curb the spread of the pandemic. This will last until 21st June 2021 and is widely believed to be extended further, thus causing enormous hardship to people in general, but specifically and severely, the daily wage earner.

Similarly, in the state of Tamil Nadu where we support projects, there is full lockdown until 14th June 2021 with the possibility for extensions.

Further to all these pandemic related issues, among people living well below the poverty line, there is an increasing trend in poor physical / mental health, cases of malnutrition / starvation and the inevitable loss of lives.

We thank you for your generous assistance with the pandemic needs in 2020, as your support enabled us to assist many deserving families in Sri Lanka & India. Please help us again in averting another humanitarian crisis. Click here to Donate.

Thank you,

ACF Team

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Please note: Details relating to the “March 2020 Covid19 – Disaster Relief” are available in the Appeals Archive on the ACF website.

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